Sisters in Crime, a northern California association of (mostly female) mystery writers, hosted Jim Guigli as the speaker at our September event. Jim is very knowledgeable about guns—not a topic I’m overly interested in, but as a writer of murder mysteries, I do want to get the details right.

Jim Guigli

Jim Guigli showing a gun in a pocket holster

Jim showed us a huge array of guns—replicas of course—plus all sorts of holsters that a police officer or private investigator might use. Turns out criminals tend to not use holsters, instead just sticking the gun in a pocket or their waistband. That way, if they have to ditch the gun in a hurry, they’re not caught wearing an incriminating holster.

My sleuth, Rae Sullivan, is a complete amateur who has no desire to carry a weapon. But in case she ever did, I learned that for small guns, there are holsters that clip onto a bra! Who knew? Another interesting tidbit: Jim said that big-name crime writers, including Michael Connelly, often get gun-related details very wrong. It doesn’t seem to matter to readers though and often advances the story. Call it poetic license.